
"You know, at one time, I used to break into pet shops to liberate the canaries. But I decided that was an idea way before its time. Zoos are full, prisons are overflowing... oh my, how the world still dearly loves a cage."
-"Harold and Maude"

Monday, November 15, 2010

This is a Title

Liberated a pair of bad ass cowboy boots.
Wearing them for breakfast.
Feeling tall even when I sit.
and ne
...goddamn I am high.

I was shown the real slums of the internet. 4chan /b/ is [fill in your choice of adjective]. O. Dear. God.

I love it when all the Halloween stuff is on sale. I have added a glow-in-the-dark dangling skeletons strand to my balcony. Boo. No, that's ghosts. *crack* yes, that's much more skeleton.
I want to be in costume again. Being someone else. We act like we don't want it but there are those times. And you know those times.

My car won't start. The Republican man just towed it away. I don't think he liked my stickers. My ride is sort of an eye-catcher I guess. It's a silver '94 station wagon with over 15 bumper stickers (ex: "It seems our technology has surpassed our humanity", "the Pinstripes", "Legalize Freedom", "Habitat for Humanity Foundation", and of course "Peace"). 
My tape deck is bitchin' with an R.E.M. cassette.
I named her "Clarissa".
(I so enjoy pop culture references)

Running out of cigs.
Out of food.
Without vehicle.
Insufficient funds.

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