
"You know, at one time, I used to break into pet shops to liberate the canaries. But I decided that was an idea way before its time. Zoos are full, prisons are overflowing... oh my, how the world still dearly loves a cage."
-"Harold and Maude"

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Excerpts From the Notebook

Something to Forget About
It had no fear
It's red, knit hat kept the chills away but the little white capsules barely took the edge off.  Funny how it was on the edge of that ravine when it spoke, "What makes man alright?"
Questions that could be misunderstood, mis-construed, and misinterpreted always twinkle delight in that wise mass.
The edge went farther away with each tread exact.
"Man is alright when he plays."

Beau Tie
Out about stout behaviors     so obtuse
we found inside those gaps only our tongues could touch.
Then we swapped spit, dreams of nomadic adventures with tree houses, horses of every color, alternate realities... We let our existence comingle a bit- a vibration pulsating another, an unchoreographed dance we don't know what to name.
You once saw her dance. 
What was she then? "Bohemian Beauty" could be so obscure so we go with "How much did she do?".  But all is well when out pupils catch that exact and very brief glimpse, time of complete and utter lack of disturbance. Where that silly love drug makes eyelashes curl and fingers tickle. We stop asking about the circumstances in that moment of blissful Be.
She always said you could be a captain without a ship. You always said she'd be first mate.

Got High and Found You Again
That night went on but we didn't have to speak about it. We saw it in double vision- ours combined and shared. Your heart ran faster than mine but I remember making it even faster. Our red eyed mirror, our sheepish grins, our frailty.
We didn't need to pass notes. We check 'yes' or 'no' in our cognitive section and send it via hand held holding. The heads that piece together. Fragments of our lost human emotions pieced together only for the breaking, wandering soul-like creatures to finally catch that glance. That glance where you both know your soul's kin is close and reaching for the bright gaps in the fragments.
We did not speak of what we'd be when we "grew up". We grew into each other instead. And we found our muse.

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