
"You know, at one time, I used to break into pet shops to liberate the canaries. But I decided that was an idea way before its time. Zoos are full, prisons are overflowing... oh my, how the world still dearly loves a cage."
-"Harold and Maude"

Friday, October 29, 2010

The Weekend of Samhain

      "Final Friday" Halloween Gallery hop downtown tonight.
Grown up kiddies dressed up as kittens and tea-baggers. Dancing around creepy art I've come to love so much. Getting lost in the festivities, whirls, swirls, lights, music...
    This journey out may be a little intimidating. All the galleries had free wine last year and I don't remember anything past the 3rd or 4th stop. The last thing I recall is standing on the roof of a monstrous building in the middle of the city, looking at all the people ants.
      Ugh, this could be bad. I'm so hesitant to throw myself out in a mess of alcohol and that warmth stemming from it. The smell, the taste, dear god my mouth is watering as I type this. Sip, gulp, chug, another. Sip, gulp, chug, another...   Maybe they'll have candy?
      So I'll be having my own little party. It involves fluffy green stuff. Wanna join? I'll be the short girl dressed as Ginger Spice lingering away from the others, probably freezing my ass off on a bench while I scribble notes about the evening, the pieces, artists, costumes, and how much I hate wearing make-up.

Saturday involves mad party held in an 18th century motel converted into an apartment complex where all the peaceniks live and make art. All doors open.
Sunday is scary movies, meditation, and a harvest feast!

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