My new year feels just that- new. I haven't felt so... solid? I may not have great life plans mapped out but I've decided to pursue veterinary school after all. And I'd like to do this in Rhode Island. I want out of Ohio. My lack of income tells me it is not too wise to hop in the station wagon and go east but, damnit, there are magnets pulling me. Those close to me will attest to the fact that I'm a runaway. I never stay anywhere long. I even switch sides of the couch when I need a change of scenery during a movie. But these past 3 days have been a recoup from the fantastical journey I took from 11pm New Year's Eve to 6am Jan. 1, 2011. I don't think I've ever broken through like that and I've done my fair share of tripping. There was a moment on the yoga mat where my body adjusted itself with vibrations from all of you out there. Your energy was strong that night. Thank you. I don't call it enlightenment. I won't call it zen. I'll call it what it was- a trip. And that experience was exuberant.
Oh, and getting busted? I got off with a $100 fine plus court costs. Nice. The 3 counts were dwindled into one "attempt to possess marijuana" minor misdemeanor. Thank you Mr. Public Defender with way too many gold rings. If I'm caught again I'll be looking at jail time. Words from the defender himself "Just don't have that shit on you".